Boost WordPress Performance with New Relic

New Relic is a cloud-based platform that helps monitor and troubleshoot software applications, including WordPress. How to use it power to boost performance?


What is New Relic?

With New Relic, you can gain real-time visibility into the performance and health of your application, including metrics like response times, error rates, and throughput. You can also track user behavior and identify potential issues before they impact your users.

Additionally, New Relic can help you optimize your system by providing insights into code-level performance, database queries, and external service dependencies. It can also help you troubleshoot issues by providing detailed transaction traces and error analytics.

How it might help?

Last time at coditive_ we were experiencing slow page load times in one of the WordPress projects, which was impacting user experience and causing clients frustration. By using New Relic, we were able to identify and diagnose performance issues in the code and database queries.

We optimized the system, made some changes to the code, and saw a significant improvement in page load times (improvement from 1.6s response time with a huge traffic to ~500ms). With New Relic's real-time monitoring and diagnostic tools, we were able to quickly pinpoint and resolve the issues that were causing slow performance, which helped us to maintain a positive user experience and keep our visitors engaged.

It helped us to show how problematic Yoast might be when it comes to large applications that provide a huge number pf posts. Most of the demanding queries are related to the sitemap generation feature :(


Overall, New Relic is a powerful tool for WordPress developers and administrators who want to ensure the performance, scalability, and reliability of their applications. It provides many integrations, but there are two that I've used:

New Relic is a must-have for developers who work with large WordPress applications where performance plays a key role and each query counts.


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