PHP Code Sniffer: In-depth Tutorial for Developers

Learn how to integrate PHP Code Sniffer into your development workflow and create coding standards tailored to your needs. Discover how it works, from its core functionalities to its integration with Visual Studio Code and don't miss any problems ever again.

EditorConfig: The Best First Step Towards a Consistent Codebase

Learn how to maintain consistent coding styles for multiple developers working on the same project across various editors and IDEs with this simple tool.

Linting Process in Web Development: Introduction

Improve your code's quality and consistency with linting and formatting. Learn how linters ensure error-free, unified code, saving you time and enhancing your projects and avoiding burnout as a leader.

Vite 5.0 Update

Learn how to update Vite to the 5.0 version, address common issues, and how the latest changes impact our WordPress integration.

How to Use Assets in The Backend Code With Vite?

Learn how to create a Vite plugin and improve WordPress integration by enabling the use of static assets in backend code with Vite.

How To Translate Modern JS Code For The Old Browsers?

Discover how to transpile modern JavaScript to ES5 with Vite and ensure compatibility with old browsers. This guide simplifies the process, making your code accessible to all users. Click to enhance your JS skills!

How to Integrate Vite With WordPress Development?

Discover how to integrate Vite.js with the WordPress development. This detailed guide explains the benefits of using Vite, provides practical steps and insights to build an own integration, making theme and plugin development in WordPress more efficient.

How to improve WordPress performance making simple architectural decisions?

Response times increase along with the project size and the level of data complexity and at some point every query matters. This article describes how to achieve better performance results, just by making simple architectural decisions before project start.

Simplify SQL queries in WordPress projects with Laravel's Capsule

Do you like writing SQL queries? I don't but sometimes it's needed. I can write and understand them, but I just don't like doing it. If you too - that's great! 😈

Introducing Laravel Blade with WordPress - Ultimate Guide for Beginners

In this article, on the example using Laravel Blade and WordPress, I'll explore the reasons why the concept of templating engines in PHP is worth trying, and how it can improve the way you build applications.